For sermons before September 22, 2024 visit the archived website.
Joining forces
Galatians 2: 11-14 We will look at the Antioch incident and the blessings and challenges of integrating two different groups into one church.
Spreading of Misinformation
Acts 21: 17-21 Paul returns to Jerusalem where rumors and caricatured reports of his ministry have spread. This message will explore how easily rumors and misinformation can spread, and the Jew/Gentile tension.
Paul’s Farewell Address – WATS Sunday
Acts 20: 22-24 Paul’s closing words to the Ephesians elders encouraging self sacrifice and care for the weak will guide our communion thoughts.
A Disruptive Gospel
Acts 19:23-27 The mission of the Church can sometimes conflict with worldly interests (economics, tradition, political/national authority). How to balance a call to missions that invites everyone to be a part of God’s Kingdom, but does not compromise its message.
Filling in the Blanks
Acts 19: 1-7 Part of missions is continued discipleship and filling in blanks on what people still have not heard/learned. This text is the “incomplete believers” day of Pentecost experience. You can also watch the full service here on our YouTube Channel.
The Role of Westgate Members Part 2
Romans 12: 3-8 We will continue to look at the roles of Westgate members with a specific focus on serving the church and its ministries and having “buy in”…by that I do mean giving, but more so an investment, ownership, and care for what goes on at Westgate. You can also watch the full service here on our YouTube Channel.