Sermons on Matthew
The One Where the Rooster Crows
Matthew 26: 31-35 Jesus’s friends failed him just like ours do. Jesus knows rejection and hurt from friends, but he also loves and understands people enough to forgive and reconcile. This message will challenge us to remain in friendships and in Christian community, even when it is hard.
Say what you need to say
Matthew 18: 15-17 The Holy Resolution last week was to listen, now it is to speak. Now, we will look at Jesus’s teaching in Matthew from the traditional perspective in which we are the ones addressing the sin. We will see how speaking up can heal and make healthy relationships. Full service link
Listen to Criticism
Matthew 18: 15-17 Stop being defensive! We will look at Jesus’s teaching on church discipline from the perspective of being the one called out for sin. We need to learn to listen to criticism and ask “what if this is true?” One of the hardest but most effective ways to gain wisdom and grow is to learn from the discipline and criticism of others. Link to full service
A Family Church
Matthew 12: 46-50 Jesus had family issues like the rest of us. The faith community became his family and his safe place, and he envisioned that for his church. We will explore how Westgate values the church feeling like family and being a place where people belong and are known. Link to full service
Westgate Traditions
Matthew 15: 1-9 We will talk about who we are, our quirks, our values, our culture, and our history.