Sermons by Brady Horner (Page 2)

Sermons by Brady Horner (Page 2)

A Crowded Family Table

1 Corinthians 11: 17-22  In this text Paul addresses problems with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Learning from their mistakes, we see that communion is about unity and belonging. God ultimately wants people of all ethnicities, incomes, and walks of life to be together in holy and joyful table fellowship. We hope to establish this at Westgate with our new family members.  Link to full service

Joining forces

Galatians 2: 11-14 We will look at the Antioch incident and the blessings and challenges of integrating two different groups into one church. 

Spreading of Misinformation

Acts 21: 17-21 Paul returns to Jerusalem where rumors and caricatured reports of his ministry have spread. This message will explore how easily rumors and misinformation can spread, and the Jew/Gentile tension.

Filling in the Blanks

Acts 19: 1-7 Part of missions is continued discipleship and filling in blanks on what people still have not heard/learned. This text is the “incomplete believers” day of Pentecost experience. You can also watch the full service here on our YouTube Channel.

The Role of Westgate Members Part 2

Romans 12: 3-8 We will continue to look at the roles of Westgate members with a specific focus on serving the church and its ministries and having “buy in”…by that I do mean giving, but more so an investment, ownership, and care for what goes on at Westgate.  You can also watch the full service here on our YouTube Channel.
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