Sermons from 2024

Sermons from 2024

The Greatest Sermon in the World

The Greatest Sermon in the World

1 Corinthians 2: 1-5  The past few months we have talked a lot about who we are and what membership at Westgate means. This message will explore the purpose/goals of a sermon. Generally speaking these are to help the listener; learn, change, be challenged, hear from God, and hear gospel.  Link to full service

Celebrating Well

Luke 2: 8-14 Sometimes Christians are stereotyped as being lame/no fun. We should be joyful people who can celebrate well. We will emphasize God coming to earth and his humanity, but specifically the joyful, fun, and approachable side of Jesus. Link to full service

Waiting Well

Isaiah 40: 27-31 Christians have been described as “people who wait” and we are currently in a season of waiting. We will explore how to wait well, what to do or not do as we wait, and why God makes us wait as all. Link to full service

A Balanced church

1 Corinthians 10: 23-24 We are a church that values balance; numbers, age groups, progressive/traditional, and with our time. We will explore how to maintain “balance” and when adaptability is more important than balance. We will also see how balance means picking battles, cutting certain things, and self sacrifice. Link to full service

An Intergenerational Church

Mark 10: 13-16 Jesus valued groups that others didn’t, including the young/children. Westgate is a church that holds children in a special place and wants to include them. At the same time, we deeply value our elderly and make efforts to ensure they are included as well. The message will share ways we do this, and maybe ways we can be better about it. Link to full service

A Family Church

Matthew 12: 46-50 Jesus had family issues like the rest of us. The faith community became his family and his safe place, and he envisioned that for his church. We will explore how Westgate values the church feeling like family and being a place where people belong and are known. Link to full service

A Crowded Family Table

1 Corinthians 11: 17-22  In this text Paul addresses problems with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Learning from their mistakes, we see that communion is about unity and belonging. God ultimately wants people of all ethnicities, incomes, and walks of life to be together in holy and joyful table fellowship. We hope to establish this at Westgate with our new family members.  Link to full service

Joining forces

Galatians 2: 11-14 We will look at the Antioch incident and the blessings and challenges of integrating two different groups into one church. 

Spreading of Misinformation

Acts 21: 17-21 Paul returns to Jerusalem where rumors and caricatured reports of his ministry have spread. This message will explore how easily rumors and misinformation can spread, and the Jew/Gentile tension.

A Disruptive Gospel

Acts 19:23-27 The mission of the Church can sometimes conflict with worldly interests (economics, tradition, political/national authority). How to balance a call to missions that invites everyone to be a part of God’s Kingdom, but does not compromise its message.
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