Sermons from November 2024
A Family Church
Matthew 12: 46-50 Jesus had family issues like the rest of us. The faith community became his family and his safe place, and he envisioned that for his church. We will explore how Westgate values the church feeling like family and being a place where people belong and are known. Link to full service
Westgate Traditions
Matthew 15: 1-9 We will talk about who we are, our quirks, our values, our culture, and our history.
A Crowded Family Table
1 Corinthians 11: 17-22 In this text Paul addresses problems with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Learning from their mistakes, we see that communion is about unity and belonging. God ultimately wants people of all ethnicities, incomes, and walks of life to be together in holy and joyful table fellowship. We hope to establish this at Westgate with our new family members. Link to full service
Joining forces
Galatians 2: 11-14 We will look at the Antioch incident and the blessings and challenges of integrating two different groups into one church.